Jocelyn Kennedy

“The gift of NVC to me has been that random, borrowed thoughts are no longer in the driver’s seat of my life; more and more, I live from a place of choice and integrity, aligned with my Heart’s values. It is my greatest pleasure to support others to also live their Full, Natural selves.”

Jocelyn Kennedy

Kia ora!

Here’s the page where I get to reveal to you a little more of who I am…

Spirituality and personal growth have been a huge focus in my life since I can remember.

I used to think that being ‘spiritual’ and compassionate was about only ever having kind thoughts, and I aspired to a time when no judgmental thoughts remained. I would feel very distressed at times at the intensity of some of the ‘mean’ things I’d hear inside my own head, because they didn’t fit with the loving person I wanted to be.

I’m so grateful to NVC for giving me a clear, doable pathway directly back to my own values. Being able to ‘see through’ judgments and blame to the needs they’re trying to indicate, allows me to rehumanise both myself and the ‘other’, without making anyone wrong.

I attended my first NVC training in 2005. I was blown away by the instant and radical transformation those two days precipitated in my life, especially in my relationships with my children (then aged 11 and 12) and ex-husband, their father, who I had left in 2000 after 7 years of physical and emotional violence, and with whom I was co-parenting. I noticed that I was beginning to feel much more confident in my ability to express myself clearly, listen to others with curiosity, ask for what I wanted, say no when I needed to, and recognise when I was ‘beating up’ on myself (which was frequently at that time in my life!)

It also opened up possibilities for much deeper intimacy, connection, authenticity and mutual understanding and support than I had ever experienced before in intimate relationship.

It was a shock to realise how much of mine and others’ suffering was unnecessary, and a relief to be learning a way of transforming it.  I became passionate about sharing this ‘magic’ with others and hungrily pursued every training I could. Over the following few years I learned from Marshall Rosenberg and over 30 other Nonviolent Communication trainers in the US, Australia and NZ. I am so grateful to them all for their wisdom, compassion, generosity and skill.

In 2009 I co-founded NVC Aotearoa, a charitable trust established for the support and growth of NVC in Aotearoa NZ, and served as chairperson for 3 years.

I have shared NVC through general public courses, in Domestic Violence and Sexual Abuse agencies, Mental Health organizations, schools, and with teens. I also offer one-to-one, parenting, couples support and NVC mediation and coaching for families, community groups and work situations.

My history prior to NVC facilitation included primary and secondary school teaching, Steiner education, learning Te Reo Maori, facilitating personal growth workshops, Dances of Universal Peace, co-counselling and parenting.

It gives me great joy to have my young grandson daily in my life, where I live in my ‘very’ tiny off-the-grid house in Peria, Far North, alongside 10 other life adventurers.

I love to hear what people are longing for in their lives, so if you think what I’m offering might be a good fit, please contact me for an obligation-free chat.


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